Explore the COWASH IV Database: Streamlining Performance Monitoring and Data Management

The COWASH IV web-based Planning, Monitoring, Reporting and Sanitation Databases (PMRWFDB) website has been officially launched. The name of the website is cowasheth.org.

The main purpose of the database is to bring together the two COWASH III databases and to gather quick information on COWASH IV performance, manage data effectively and prepare quick performance reports.

The database includes project regions, zones, districts, partners, project activities, indicators and their measurement units, planning and implementation. Any COWASH stakeholder and partners can download current data from the database and use it for planning and performance monitoring.

You are kindly invited to use the Data Base by type in Google Chrome URL address space and bookmark the tab as displayed below so that you can easily get a tab (cowasheth.org) whenever you want to visit the Database.

The COWASH IV web-based Planning, Monitoring, Reporting, and Sanitation Database website has been officially launched. The name of the website is cowasheth.org.

The main purpose of the database is to build on the previous work conducted under COWASH III, provide a facility to quickly gather information on COWASH IV performance, manage data effectively and rapidly facilitate the preparation of performance reports.

The database includes project regions, zones, districts, partners, project activities, indicators and their measurement units, planning, and implementation. Any COWASH stakeholder and partner can download up-to-date information from the database and use it for project planning and performance monitoring.

You are kindly invited to view the database at cowasheth.org by clicking on the dashboard or Wash Facility Data.

Enhancing Education through Access to Clean Water: COWASH IV's Impact on Warerso Keta Primary School

During 2014, the Community-led Accelerated WASH (COWASH) Project, Phase IV supported the construction of a shallow well in the compound of the Warerso Keta Primary School in Sululta Woreda, Oromia National Regional State at a cost of 400,000 Birr.

During a recent follow-up visit, the teachers and the school community expressed their happiness with the outcome. The principal of the school, Ato Teklie Seifu, said that since the school was built in 2008, there had been no available clean drinking water near the school and that students and teachers would waste more than an hour searching for water and that their health was adversely affected through water-related diseases. Furthermore, there has been a negative impact on the quality of education due to the time lost.

Ato Teklie stated that the school is serving 323 males, and 267 females, a total of 590 students, of which six have disabilities. With this investment, the water problems of the students and the school community will be eliminated and they will be able to have a better education program for the 2015 school year. He said that the school community will work together with the relevant bodies to ensure the sustainability of the water facility built for them.

In addition to the provision of clean water supply to schools, COWASH IV is also working on the provision of clean water supply and the construction of latrines for education and health institutions.

Enhancing Collaboration and Financial Efficiency: COWASH IV Regional Support Unit Consultative Meeting Kicks off in Addis Ababa

Today on 22 February 2023, the Community-led Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project, Phase IV (COWASH IV) commenced a two-day Regional Support Unit (RSU)Consultative Meeting, in the Getfam Hotel, Addis Ababa.

Opening the meeting, Neil Chadder, the COWASH IV Chief Technical Advisor explained that the primary aim is to work closely with the RSUs to improve the COWASH IV fund transfer process, obtain feedback on the COWASH IV database and reporting process and to identify measures to be taken to secure the EFY 2015 Quarter III and IV funds.

RSU Team Leaders and Monitoring and Evaluation Specialists from all COWASH IV regions and members of the Federal Technical Assistance Team are participating in the meeting.

Charting the Path for Community-led WASH: COWASH IV National Steering Committee Deliberates on Project Performance and Future Plans

On 30 November 2022, the Community-led Accelerated WASH Project, Phase IV (COWASH IV) National Steering Committee meeting was held in Addis Ababa Capital International Hotel involving representatives of the Ministry of Water, and Energy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, and members of the Embassy of Finland to Ethiopia.

The National Steering Committee held a wide-ranging discussion on the EFY 2014 Project Performance Report, the EFY 2015 Core Plans and the Fund Requests submitted by the Regions. Furthermore,  key issues arising were discussed and clear guidance was given to the Federal Technical Assistance Team on how to proceed over the coming months.

Driving Progress and Collaboration: Benishangul Gumuz COWASH IV Steering Committee Spearheads Water and Sanitation Development

Today on 1st November 2022, the Benishangul Gumuz, COWASH IV Steering Committee meeting held in Asossa involving representatives of the Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Water, Irrigation and Energy Resource Development, Bureau of Health, Bureau of women, Youth and Children, Bureau of Education, and members of the Embassy of Finland to Ethiopia. Representatives of the COWASH IV Federal Technical Assistance Team attended in an advisory capacity.

The Steering Committee held a wide-ranging discussion on the 2014 EFY performance report and the 2015 EFY Core Plan for the project in the region with particular reference to the need for scheme sustainability.

In 2015 EFY, 20 water facilities for communities and institutions, as well as 10 rehabilitation of water facilities and 3 institutional latrines will be constructed.

For the 2015 EFY, a total of 27.7 million Birr allocated from the regional and the Finland government for water supply, sanitation, hygiene investment, and capacity-building interventions.

Source, BGRS Water, Irrigation and Energy Resource Development Bureau

Building Capacity for Sustainable School WASH: COWASH IV Training of Trainers Ensures Ongoing Operation and Maintenance

The COWASH IV has commenced training of trainers on school WASH operation and maintenance in the workshop being held at the Bin International Hotel, Bisshofstu city.

Members of the COWASH Regional Support Units and Education Bureaus from all COWASH regions are participating in the training. The main purpose of the training is to ensure water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities built in schools are sustainable. The training will continue from 25 to 27 October 2022.

Sidama National Regional State COWASH IV Steering Committee Approves Performance Report and Core Plan for Sustainable Water Projects

On 21 October 2022, a Sidama National Regional State COWASH IV Steering Committee meeting was held in Hawassa involving representatives of the Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Water, Irrigation and Mines Resource Development, Bureau of Health, Bureau of women, Youth and Children, Bureau of Education, the Ministry of Finance,  and members of the Embassy of Finland to Ethiopia. Representatives of the COWASH IV Federal Technical Assistance Team attended in an advisory capacity.

The Steering Committee held a wide-ranging discussion on the 2014 EFY performance report and the 2015 EFY Core Plan for the project in the region with particular reference to the need for scheme sustainability. Both documents were approved.

Strengthening Collaboration and Addressing Challenges: NIRAS Country Director Visits COWASH IV Project Office

On 17 October 2022 NIRAS Country Director, Ms. Mari Helminen visited COWASH IV in our office. The main objective of the visit was to continue the results obtained during the project implementation process and to solve the challenges encountered by discussing them with the relevant parties.

Forging Sustainable Partnerships: COWASH IV Expands Collaboration with South-west Ethiopia for Rural WASH Development

On 08 October 2022, the COWASH IV Federal Technical Assistance Team (FTAT) had a preliminary discussion with the COWASH IV project stakeholders of the newly established South-west Ethiopia Peoples’ Regional State (SWEPRS).

Before the split of the SWEPRS from the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Region (SNNPR), two woredas (Kechi and Mare Mansa) in Dawro Zone of the current SWEPRS were benefiting from the COWASH IV project. In order to continue the working relationship with these woredas, discussions were held between the COWASH IV FTAT and higher officials of the Regional Water and Finance and Economic Development Bureaus and their directors and experts.

Opening the meeting with a welcoming speech, Engineer Beyene Belachew, Head of SWEPRS Water Mines and Energy Resource Development Bureau, said that it is a pleasure for the region to cooperate with projects such as COWASH IV which are working in the rural WASH sub-sector.

Engineer Beyene added that the region is ready to provide any necessary support and committed to the achievement of the project as much as it can with all the challenges it has such as shortage of budget, poor infrastructure, and the like as a new region. He also expressed his hope that the COWASH IV project will support the region in solving the WASH-related challenges it has.

In the discussion, important issues were raised and agreed upon to make the project effective, and all the relevant parties agreed to complete the appropriate preparations in a short period of time and start project implementation.

As per the MoU signed between the Bureau of Finance SWEPRS and the Ministry of Finance, the total budget for the region from the Government of Finland is Euro 363,139 and the expected contribution from the region is Birr 26,418,364 a total of more than 46 million Birr.