Roori MBSC: Empowering Rural Communities with Affordable Sanitation

Roori, which was successfully launched in April this year, is a market-based sanitation supply center (MBSC) in Sidama’s Chrione Woreda. It was established by COWASH IV in collaboration with Sidama Regional Government in the 2015 Ethiopian Fiscal Year.

COWASH IV organized the five founding members into a group and equipped them with essential skills through comprehensive training. The project also constructed the production and supply center for the group and provided initial startup supplies to kickstart operations. The Sidama Regional Government provided land for the construction of the center.

Now fully operational, the Roori MBSC is making a significant impact by producing and supplying affordable sanitation products to the community. The center manufacture liquid soap (detergent) and improved toilet slabs. Roori MBSC also participated at the Sidama Regional States Job, Skill and Enterprises Development Bureau exhibition. This six-day event, which concluded on July 9, 2024 in Hawassa, provided a platform for local enterprises to showcase and sell their products.

Demissie Menegesha, a resident of Kebele 01 in Chirone Woreda, is happy with the impact of the Roori MBSC. “The center provides us with high-quality soap at an affordable price,” he says. “This has made liquid soap easily accessible for essential hygiene practices like handwashing.

Belaynesh Botola, a treasurer at the center, explains that the center has been operating smoothly since its launch. “We are grateful to COWASH IV,” she says. “Unemployment was a huge challenge, but this center has given us financial independence.” Niguse Dale, the secretary of the Center, shares Belaynesh’s gratitude for the support from COWASH IV and the Woreda Job and Skill Enterprise Office. “We’re experiencing high demand from the community,” he explains. “Our goal is to continue growing and expanding our reach.”

Mulatie Yinager, COWASH IV’s Medium and Small Enterprise and Microfinance Institutions Specialist, highlights the significant contribution of the MBSC to the community by supplying sanitation and hygiene products, particularly liquid soap, which is in high demand. Mulatie, who visited the center at the beginning of July this year, also observed the active involvement of female members in the production process and believes the group can serve as role models for other youth, demonstrating the sector’s potential.

Adisu Asefa, COWASH IV’s Medium and Small-Scale Enterprises Focal Person at the Chirone Woreda Job and Skill Enterprise Office, echoes Mulatie’s sentiments. He emphasizes the transformative impact of the center on its members, who were unemployed with their team leader holding a university degree and the rest having completed high school. Beyond benefiting the members, Adisu notes that Roori has made a substantial contribution to improving household hygiene in the community by providing affordable liquid soap.

To ensure the MBSC’s long-term success, COWASH IV provided on-the-job training (OJT) to its members and concerned woreda experts on July 2, 2024. This training focused on crucial skills, including market promotion strategies, sustainable cash management, supply chain linkage, business transaction record keeping and establishing linkages with WASH Savings and Loan Associations (SLAs).

Roori MBSC is one example of COWASH IV’s commitment to empowering local communities to achieve sustainable WASH services. As one of the 20 MBSCs established by COWASH IV across various project regions, it demonstrates the project’s focus on fostering sustainable WASH markets through private sector engagement and innovation. By empowering local communities and fostering sustainable businesses, COWASH IV is paving the way for a healthier future in rural Ethiopia.


COWASH IV provided a four-day Training of Trainers Workshop in Tarcha town in South West Ethiopia People’s Region.

The Community-led Accelerated WASH Project, Phase IV (COWASH IV) provided a four-day training of  trainers (TOT) workshop in Tarcha town in South West Ethiopia People’s Regional State from October 2 to 5, 2023. The training aimed to build the skills of 22 trainers on gender and disability inclusion, women leadership in WASHCO management, WASH saving and loan association establishment for improved household latrine construction.Read more

COWASH IV in Tigray: Bringing Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Hope to a Region Recovering from Conflict

The Government of Ethiopia and Finland bilateral project, Community-Led Accelerated Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Phase IV (COWASHIV) is one of the first projects actively engaging in Tigray post the conflict. The project was initially expected to be implemented two years ago but was suspended following the outbreak of hostilities in the Region. The project officially resumed working last June, and is now making significant progress in helping the people of Tigray rebuild their lives.Read more

Effective Communication for Sustainable WASH Projects: COWASH IV Training in Shashemene City, SNNPR

The SNNPR Community-led Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project, Phase IV (COWASH IV) is providing training on COWASH communication in Shashemene city Jalo Hotel.

Opened by Engr. Ayele Kerka, Deputy Bureau Head of Water, Mines and Energy Development Bureau aimed to increase the relationship between the program implementers, the media, and communication experts and make the project a better success by doing intensive communication activities.

Members of the COWASH Regional Support Unit, COWASH sectors’ Focal Persons, and Communication Directors, Regional Media and communication experts, are participating.

The training will continue for two days from 2 to 3 February 2023.

Joining Forces for Project Success: COWASH IV and Amhara COWASH Regional Support Unit Provide Communication Training

The Community-led Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Project, Phase IV (COWASH IV) Federal Technical Assistance Team is currently in Bahir-dar working in cooperation with the Amhara COWASH Regional Support Unit to provide training on COWASH communication.

The main objective of the training is to increase the relationship between the program implementers, the media, and communication experts and to make the project a better success by doing intensive communication activities.

Members of the COWASH Regional Support Unit, COWASH sectors’ Focal Persons, and Communication Directors, Regional Media and communication experts, a total of 24 trainees, are participating.

The training is mainly provided by Deribew Zento, Federal COWASH Technical Assistance Team, Communication and Dissemination Specialist, together with Amhara COWASH Regional Support Unit and Regional COWASH Communication Network.

The training will continue for three days from 26-28 December 2022 and will continue in all COWASH regions to create a common understanding and commitment on communication to the better success of the project.

At the end of the training, the existing Regional COWASH Communication Network (RCCN) will be strengthened and the Regional COWASH Media Forum (RCMF) will be newly established.

On the Ground and in the Classroom: COWASH IV Communication Training in Sidama National Regional State Empowers Program Implementers, Media and Communication Experts

The Sidama National Regional State Water, Mine, and Irrigation Resource Bureau organized training on COWASH IV communication in Yirgalem city Forra Training and Development Institute.

Opened by Ato. Assefa------, Deputy Bureau Head of Water, Mine, and Irrigation Resource Bureau aimed to increase the relationship between the program implementers, the media, and communication experts and making the project a better success by doing intensive communication activities. 

Members of the COWASH Regional Support Unit, COWASH sectors’ Focal Persons, and Communication Directors, Regional Media and communication experts, are participating.

Before the training, the trainees visited Water, Sanitation and Hygiene projects built by the COWASH project in the region of Arbegona Woreda. In the next two days, conceptual training on COWASH communication and discussion will be held focusing on the results obtained in the sector, challenges and their solutions.