The Community-led Accelerated WASH Project, Phase IV (COWASH IV) Federal Technical Assistance Team (FTAT) is currently in Benishangul-gumuz working in cooperation with the Benisahngul-gumuz COWASH regional support unit to provide training of trainers on WASH saving and loan association establishment.
The main objective of the training is to inform COWASH IV stakeholders on all aspects of the establishment of WASH saving and loan associations so that they can contribute to resolving the financial problems encountered in the construction of improved latrines.
The training is primarily provided by Mulatie Yinager, the FTAT’s, WASH Business Development Specialist, together with the Benishangul-gumuz COWASH regional support unit.
The training, which will be given for three days from 7-9 March 2023, has now been provided in most of the COWASH IV regions and practical implementation has been started in a number of cases.