COWASH PHASE IV Baseline Survey Report

COWASH IV Baseline Survey Report

Charting the Path for Community-led WASH: COWASH IV National Steering Committee Deliberates on Project Performance and Future Plans

On 30 November 2022, the Community-led Accelerated WASH Project, Phase IV (COWASH IV) National Steering Committee meeting was held in Addis Ababa Capital International Hotel involving representatives of the Ministry of Water, and Energy, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Education, and members of the Embassy of Finland to Ethiopia.

The National Steering Committee held a wide-ranging discussion on the EFY 2014 Project Performance Report, the EFY 2015 Core Plans and the Fund Requests submitted by the Regions. Furthermore,  key issues arising were discussed and clear guidance was given to the Federal Technical Assistance Team on how to proceed over the coming months.

COWASH IV Trains Stakeholders in Social Behavioural Change Communication for Better WASH Interventions in Benishangul Gumuz

COWASH IV commenced Social Behavioural Change Communication training of trainers for Benishangul Gumuz COWASH stakeholders in Asossa City, Bamboo Paradise Hotel.

The objective of the training is to help the regional, and Woreda WASH experts to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate WASH social and behaviour change interventions at their local level and to cascade the training to frontline community workers at the woreda and kebele levels.

The training participants are Sanitation and Hygiene and Communication experts from the regional Health, Education, Women and Children and Water Bureaus, together with woredas who have well-established and functional Micro and Small Enterprises in WASH.

The training will be carried out over three days from 22-24 November 2022.  Ato Ebsa Feyisa, FTAT Behavioural Change and Communication Specialist is the lead trainer for the event.

Alongside the SBCC training, the Federal COWASH Junior Professional Officer Ville Juusela is expected to have a briefing and practical session on water quality.

Empowering WASH Stakeholders: COWASH IV SBCC Training for Oromia Region

COWASH IV started Social Behavioural Change Communication training of trainers for Oromia region COWASH stakeholders in Bishoftu City, BIN International Hotel on 12 October 2022

The objective of the training is to help the regional, and Woreda WASH experts to design, implement, monitor, and evaluate WASH social and behaviour change interventions at their local level and to cascade the training to frontline community workers at the woreda and kebele levels.

The training participants are Sanitation and Hygiene and Communication experts from the regional Health, Education, Women and Children and Water Bureaus, together with woredas who have well-established and functional Micro and Small Enterprises in WASH.

The training will be carried out over three days from 16-16 November 2022.  Ato Ebsa Feyisa, FTAT Behavioural Change and Communication Specialist is the lead trainer for the event.

Collaborative Action for Sustainable Water and Sanitation: Amhara COWASH IV Steering Committee Meeting in Bahir-dar

On 4 November 2022, the Amhara, COWASH IV Steering Committee meeting held in Bahir-dar involving representatives of the Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Water, and Energy, Bureau of Health, Bureau of women, Youth and Children, Bureau of Education, and members of the Embassy of Finland to Ethiopia. Representatives of the COWASH IV Federal Technical Assistance Team attended in an advisory capacity.

The Steering Committee held a wide-ranging discussion on the 2014 EFY performance report and the 2015 EFY Core Plan of the project in the region with particular reference to the need for scheme sustainability.

Currently, it is known that after holding a meeting of the steering committee of all six COWASH IV regions, they have approved their 2014 fiscal year performance report and 2015 plan and are ready to start implementation.

@ ANRS Water and Energy Bureau

Driving Progress and Collaboration: Benishangul Gumuz COWASH IV Steering Committee Spearheads Water and Sanitation Development

Today on 1st November 2022, the Benishangul Gumuz, COWASH IV Steering Committee meeting held in Asossa involving representatives of the Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Water, Irrigation and Energy Resource Development, Bureau of Health, Bureau of women, Youth and Children, Bureau of Education, and members of the Embassy of Finland to Ethiopia. Representatives of the COWASH IV Federal Technical Assistance Team attended in an advisory capacity.

The Steering Committee held a wide-ranging discussion on the 2014 EFY performance report and the 2015 EFY Core Plan for the project in the region with particular reference to the need for scheme sustainability.

In 2015 EFY, 20 water facilities for communities and institutions, as well as 10 rehabilitation of water facilities and 3 institutional latrines will be constructed.

For the 2015 EFY, a total of 27.7 million Birr allocated from the regional and the Finland government for water supply, sanitation, hygiene investment, and capacity-building interventions.

Source, BGRS Water, Irrigation and Energy Resource Development Bureau

Social and Behaviour Change Interventions for Better Health

Social and Behaviour Change Interventions for Better Health

Building Capacity for Sustainable School WASH: COWASH IV Training of Trainers Ensures Ongoing Operation and Maintenance

The COWASH IV has commenced training of trainers on school WASH operation and maintenance in the workshop being held at the Bin International Hotel, Bisshofstu city.

Members of the COWASH Regional Support Units and Education Bureaus from all COWASH regions are participating in the training. The main purpose of the training is to ensure water, sanitation, and hygiene facilities built in schools are sustainable. The training will continue from 25 to 27 October 2022.

Boosting Business Skills for Better Hygiene: COWASH FTAT Provides Micro and Small Enterprise Development Training in Bishoftu

The COWASH Federal Technical Assistance Team is currently in Bishoftu working in cooperation with the Oromia COWASH Regional Support Unit to provide training on Micro and Small Enterprise Development.

The main objective of the training is to enhance the business skills of COWASH-established Micro and Small Enterprises to increase the communities’ use of sanitation and hygiene.

Participants are from regional COWASH Regional Support Unit, Abay-chomen and Tole woredas, a total of 12 trainees, who are related to the development of Micro and Small Enterprises.

The training is mainly provided by Mulatie Yinager, Federal COWASH Technical Assistance Team, WASH Business Development Specialist, together with Oromia COWASH Regional Support Unit.

The training will continue for three days from October 25-27/22.

Sidama National Regional State COWASH IV Steering Committee Approves Performance Report and Core Plan for Sustainable Water Projects

On 21 October 2022, a Sidama National Regional State COWASH IV Steering Committee meeting was held in Hawassa involving representatives of the Bureau of Finance, Bureau of Water, Irrigation and Mines Resource Development, Bureau of Health, Bureau of women, Youth and Children, Bureau of Education, the Ministry of Finance,  and members of the Embassy of Finland to Ethiopia. Representatives of the COWASH IV Federal Technical Assistance Team attended in an advisory capacity.

The Steering Committee held a wide-ranging discussion on the 2014 EFY performance report and the 2015 EFY Core Plan for the project in the region with particular reference to the need for scheme sustainability. Both documents were approved.