COWASH IV: Empowering Women to Lead WASH Initiatives

Women play a critical role in managing water resources and ensuring the health and well-being of their communities. Recognizing this, COWASH IV is committed to empowering women to take leadership positions in WASH facilities construction and management.

Through its Community Managed Project (CMP) approach, COWASH IV places decision-making power directly in the hands of communities. At the heart of this model are WASH Committees (WASHCOs), which are responsible for planning, implementing, and managing WASH projects. The project prioritizes the inclusion of women in WASHCOs, aiming for at least 50% female membership and encouraging communities to select women with the necessary skills and knowledge for leadership roles.

COWASH IV provides comprehensive training on leadership and the CMP approach to equip women with the necessary skills to excel in their roles. The project also develops and distributes guidelines and manuals to support their work.

Mestawet Mengistu, a treasurer from the Abaye Boreta Community Water Supply WASHCO in Wondo Genet Woreda, highlights the positive impact of this approach on her leadership development and community involvement. She emphasizes the importance of empowering women to participate in such committees, enabling them to address their challenges directly and develop their skills.

The WASHCO from Abaye Boreta is currently responsible for administering the Abaye Boreta Spring Water Supply System and working to build a community water point that will benefit 67 households. The committee holds regular meetings, collects monthly contributions, and maintains a savings account. They also actively promote awareness about hygiene, and the benefits of community water points, and encourage community contributions for WASH projects.


Empowering women as WASHCO leaders is crucial for the sustainable management of community water points. Women often bear the primary responsibility for water collection in rural communities and possess a deep understanding of water needs and challenges, making them ideal advocates. Their involvement in WASHCOs ensures that water supplies are managed effectively, with close attention to maintenance and repair, guaranteeing the sustainability of community water points. Moreover, by taking on these leadership roles, women gain valuable experience, positioning them for future leadership opportunities within their communities and beyond.

Abebayheu Campa, a member of the Abaye Boreta WASHCO, shares her experience of developing her leadership skills through her involvement in the committee. She appreciates the project’s community-led approach, which has empowered her community to effectively address their WASH needs.

Beyond water points, COWASH IV promotes women’s leadership in WASH Savings and Loan Associations and Market-Based Sanitation Supply Centers programs. The project requires membership and encourages women to take on leadership roles in these initiatives, fostering women’s empowerment and creating opportunities for women-led businesses in the sanitation sector.


A prime example of this initiative is the Roori Market-Based Sanitation Supply Center (MBSC) in Sidama’s Chrione Woreda. The MBSC has three women among its five members, with two of them in leadership positions. The project provided training for the members, helping them to develop their leadership skills and effectively address the sanitation supply needs of the community.

COWASH IV Joins Ethiopia's Green Legacy Initiative

The COWASH IV Federal Technical Assistance Team contributed to Ethiopia’s Green Legacy Initiative by participating in a tree planting activity on August 19, 2024. The event was organized by the Ethiopian Ministry of Water and Energy in collaboration with the Ministries of Education, Innovation and Technology and Agriculture. The tree planting took place in Chancho Woreda, Oromia Region.

Water and Energy Minister Dr. Engineer Habetamu Ittefa, in his opening speech, expressed his gratitude to the participating organizations and local communities. He described the day as a historic milestone, as the institutions joined forces to create a legacy for future generations. Dr. Ittefa expressed hope that the seedlings planted that day would flourish and revitalize the mountain in the area within a few years. Through the collaborative efforts of the day, approximately 27,000 seedlings were successfully planted in the area according to the Ministry of Water and Energy.

Mussie Hailegeorgis, a Climate and Environmental Risks and Water Safety Specialist at COWASH IV, emphasized the importance of reforestation efforts in combating climate change, noting that they contribute to flood prevention, groundwater recharge and carbon sequestration. He highlighted how these actions align with COWASH IV’s commitment to building climate-resilient WASH infrastructure.

Bertukan Asmamaw, the office manager of COWASH IV, also expressed her enthusiasm for the project’s team participation in the tree-planting initiative. She believes that the initiative contributes to building climate resilience and expressed her happiness in being part of the Green Legacy initiative. In addition to planting trees, the COWASH IV team also collected leftover plastic bags that the seedlings were packed in. This is not the first time COWASH IV has participated in the Green Legacy initiative. In previous years, the team has participated in similar initiatives during the rainy season.

According to the Office of the Prime Minister, 615.7 million seedlings were planted across 318.4 hectares of land during this national planting day. Since the inception of the Green Legacy Initiative in 2019, Ethiopia has successfully planted 32.5 billion saplings, reported the government owned Ethiopian News Agency. The goal for this rainy season is to add another 7.5 billion seedlings.

Roori MBSC: Empowering Rural Communities with Affordable Sanitation

Roori, which was successfully launched in April this year, is a market-based sanitation supply center (MBSC) in Sidama’s Chrione Woreda. It was established by COWASH IV in collaboration with Sidama Regional Government in the 2015 Ethiopian Fiscal Year.

COWASH IV organized the five founding members into a group and equipped them with essential skills through comprehensive training. The project also constructed the production and supply center for the group and provided initial startup supplies to kickstart operations. The Sidama Regional Government provided land for the construction of the center.

Now fully operational, the Roori MBSC is making a significant impact by producing and supplying affordable sanitation products to the community. The center manufacture liquid soap (detergent) and improved toilet slabs. Roori MBSC also participated at the Sidama Regional States Job, Skill and Enterprises Development Bureau exhibition. This six-day event, which concluded on July 9, 2024 in Hawassa, provided a platform for local enterprises to showcase and sell their products.

Demissie Menegesha, a resident of Kebele 01 in Chirone Woreda, is happy with the impact of the Roori MBSC. “The center provides us with high-quality soap at an affordable price,” he says. “This has made liquid soap easily accessible for essential hygiene practices like handwashing.

Belaynesh Botola, a treasurer at the center, explains that the center has been operating smoothly since its launch. “We are grateful to COWASH IV,” she says. “Unemployment was a huge challenge, but this center has given us financial independence.” Niguse Dale, the secretary of the Center, shares Belaynesh’s gratitude for the support from COWASH IV and the Woreda Job and Skill Enterprise Office. “We’re experiencing high demand from the community,” he explains. “Our goal is to continue growing and expanding our reach.”

Mulatie Yinager, COWASH IV’s Medium and Small Enterprise and Microfinance Institutions Specialist, highlights the significant contribution of the MBSC to the community by supplying sanitation and hygiene products, particularly liquid soap, which is in high demand. Mulatie, who visited the center at the beginning of July this year, also observed the active involvement of female members in the production process and believes the group can serve as role models for other youth, demonstrating the sector’s potential.

Adisu Asefa, COWASH IV’s Medium and Small-Scale Enterprises Focal Person at the Chirone Woreda Job and Skill Enterprise Office, echoes Mulatie’s sentiments. He emphasizes the transformative impact of the center on its members, who were unemployed with their team leader holding a university degree and the rest having completed high school. Beyond benefiting the members, Adisu notes that Roori has made a substantial contribution to improving household hygiene in the community by providing affordable liquid soap.

To ensure the MBSC’s long-term success, COWASH IV provided on-the-job training (OJT) to its members and concerned woreda experts on July 2, 2024. This training focused on crucial skills, including market promotion strategies, sustainable cash management, supply chain linkage, business transaction record keeping and establishing linkages with WASH Savings and Loan Associations (SLAs).

Roori MBSC is one example of COWASH IV’s commitment to empowering local communities to achieve sustainable WASH services. As one of the 20 MBSCs established by COWASH IV across various project regions, it demonstrates the project’s focus on fostering sustainable WASH markets through private sector engagement and innovation. By empowering local communities and fostering sustainable businesses, COWASH IV is paving the way for a healthier future in rural Ethiopia.


Ethiopia and Finland launched 30 years of WASH collaboration celebration

Ethiopia and Finland launched the celebration of three decades of fruitful collaboration in the WASH (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene) sector at a reception held on June 10th, 2024. The event, hosted by Finnish Ambassador Ms. Sinikka Antila, welcomed visiting Finnish Minister for Foreign Trade and Development Mr. Ville Tavio.

The reception highlighted the significant achievements of the long-standing partnership between the two countries. A photo exhibition was also presented, showcasing the WASH cooperation's milestones throughout the three decades. The Ethiopia-Finland WASH collaboration serves as a powerful reminder of how international cooperation can yield significant improvements in people's lives. This sentiment was echoed at the event, which highlighted the partnership lasting impact.

The bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Finland date back to July 17, 1959. Their cooperation on the Ethiopian WASH sector began in 1994 with the Rural Water Supply and Environmental Program (RWSEP) in the Amhara Region. The program was successfully implemented over the following 17 years, in four phases, up to 2011. In parallel, cooperation was expanded to include the FinnWASH project in five districts of Benishangul-Gumuz over the period 2008 to 2015. RWSEP’s success paved the way for the national launch of the COWASH program in 2011.

COWASH IV: Building on a Strong Foundation

The Community-led Accelerated WASH (COWASH) project, currently in its fourth phase, focuses on rural communities across eight Ethiopian regions. COWASH IV has made significant strides in achieving safe water for all with over 649,660 people now have access to clean water. Beyond water access, the project empowers communities by fostering sustainable solutions through 20 established market-based sanitation centers and 73 WASH Saving and Loan Associations. Recognizing the importance of menstrual hygiene management, COWASH IV has also constructed 20 dedicated facilities, promoting women and girls' health.

This celebratory event serves as a reminder of the impact of the Ethiopia-Finland WASH collaboration. Both nations remain committed to ensuring continued progress in providing WASH access for all Ethiopians.


Building Bridges and Expertise: The Impact of Finland's Junior Professional Officer (JPO) Program

For decades, the JPO program, funded by Finland’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs (MFA), has been fostering collaboration and development expertise. This unique program sends young Finnish professionals on a two-year journey to the international work environment including to bilateral projects and United Nations. The JPO program is building bridges between Finland and partner countries and multilateral organizations.

The JPO program has demonstrably strengthened relationships, built development expertise and contributed to project success. Take COWASH IV, a vital water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) project in Ethiopia. Under its predecessor, FinnWASH, and now COWASH, nearly ten JPOs have contributed their skills, strengthening the relationship between Finland and Ethiopia. But the JPO program’s impact goes far beyond individual projects. It’s a win-win for young professionals, projects, partner countries and Finland itself.

Launching the JPO Program in NIRAS

The program’s origins trace back to 1996, with the second phase of Rural Integrated Project Support (RIPS) program in Tanzania. Tor Lundstrom, a Senior Strategic Advisor at NIRAS International Consulting, was one of the founders of the program. “There was a lack of opportunities for young professionals to develop their careers in these joint projects,” explains Lundstrom, who was the team leader for RIPS at the time. He recognized this gap and proposed the idea of integrating JPOs into the RIPS program while drafting the project documents. With the support of Mrs. Riikka Laatu, then desk officer at the MFA, his vision became a reality. Teija Jalaskoski and Finland’s Permanent Representative to the Council of Europe, Ambassador Sini Paukkunen, were the first JPOs to participate in the RIPS program, marking the program’s debut within RIPS. This initial success proved to be a turning point. Since then, hundreds of JPOs have participated in projects led by NIRAS, demonstrating the program’s significant expansion.

Empowering Young Professionals

The JPO program offers a launchpad for young Finnish professionals like Sari Aroalho, who is currently working on COWASH IV as a Project Management and Development Advisor. “The program was an ideal entry point for me to gain valuable experience in the development sector,” Sari says.

Sari joined COWASH IV in June 2023 and has been supporting the CTA and the team across various project aspects. She finds this hands-on experience insightful, providing her valuable opportunities for development and deeper understanding of Finland’s development work.

Working in Ethiopia, a new country for her, has been particularly enlightening, Sari explains. COWASH IV’s operations across eight different Ethiopian regions have exposed her to diverse cultures, communities, and working cultures allowing her to witness their distinct approaches and practices. This experience has not only broadened her perspective but has also honed her ability to adapt and navigate multifaceted environments effectively, she explains.

The JPO program provides comprehensive support and a tailored capacity building plan for each participant. This plan leverages their strengths and interests while addressing the specific needs of their assigned project, explains Mikaela Kruskopf, Project Manager at NIRAS International Consulting. NIRAS Finland currently has JPOs working on MFA-funded projects in Ethiopia, Namibia, Nepal, and Zambia.

NIRAS’ commitment to empowering young professionals is also evident through its NIRAS young Professional Academy (NYPA) which began ten years ago. NYPA is a two-year, full-time training program specifically designed for development consulting. Funded and implemented entirely by NIRAS, the program offered a comprehensive curriculum encompassing all aspects of the field. The NYPA program equips young professionals with the necessary skills and knowledge, while the JPO program provides practical experience and project-specific expertise. This approach ensures a skilled and well-rounded generation of development professionals, both within NIRAS and beyond.

Collaboration and Knowledge Exchange

JPOs play a valuable role in promoting collaboration and knowledge exchange between Finland and partner countries. While primarily focused on providing valuable development experience for young Finnish professionals, the program also Promotes a two-way exchange of knowledge and expertise.

JPOs, coming from different backgrounds, bring fresh perspectives to projects, as noted by Tor Lundstrom. This facilitates knowledge exchange and collaboration with local experts, often leading to increased productivity and innovation.

The program also promotes strong person-to-person networks between Finnish JPOs and local experts. This collaboration lays the groundwork for successful development cooperation, which thrives on teamwork, cultural exchange, and relationship building.

Mikaela Kruskopf highlights that JPOs often fill gaps within project teams. Their diverse skillsets enrich the overall expertise, as demonstrated by Sari’s experience with COWASH IV. According to Neil Chadder, COWASH IV’s CTA, “Sari’s in-depth understanding of Finnish, culture, and philosophy has significantly contributed to ensuring a common understanding of the project’s objectives and approach.” This exemplifies how JPOs bridge communication gaps and strengthen collaboration within project teams.

Building Bridges for Finland

The JPO program goes beyond project success and empowering young professionals; it nurtures lasting relationships. “The fact that Finland has been sending JPOs for the last 30 years has created people-to-people connections with Ethiopia,” says Lundstrom. These connections strengthen bilateral relations and create a pool of Finnish development experts with firsthand experience.

The JPO Program plays a crucial role in cultivating a future generation of development practitioners that have actual practical experience from the field, and hence a better and realistic understanding of global development. The Program contributes to globalization in several ways. First and foremost, the program encourages teamwork across borders, breaking down barriers and promoting a collaborative approach to development challenges. JPOs also act as valuable links between Finland and partner countries, fostering understanding and strengthening bilateral relations.

But the benefits extend beyond immediate partnerships. The JPO program also cultivates a future generation of development experts. These young professionals gain invaluable on-the-ground experience, providing Finland and different multilateral international organizations like the United Nations, World Health Organization, and World Bank with talented development professionals. Upon returning, they enrich the country’s development efforts for years to come, their expertise contributing to impactful solutions across the globe.

The JPO program stands as a testament to Finland’s commitment to international development cooperation. It empowers young professionals, strengthens partnerships, and promotes innovative solutions. With its focus on building expertise and collaboration, the JPO program is sure to continue playing a vital role in shaping a more sustainable and equitable future.



Sari Aroalho at COWASH IV Core Planning meeting for 2017 Ethiopian Fiscal Year

Tor Lundstrom at COWASH IV Federal Technical Assistance Team quarterly meeting. April 2024

Mikaela Kruskopf at COWASH IV Federal Technical Assistance Team quarterly meeting.April 2024

Sari Aroalho at COWASH IV Tigray Region Steering Committee meeting.September 2023

COWASH IV holds critical Core Planning Meeting for the last Ethiopian Fiscal Year of the project

The COWASH IV, a project focused on improving water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) access in eight regions of Ethiopia, held its annual core planning meeting for the Ethiopian Fiscal Year (EFY) 2017 from April 23 to 24, 2024, in Arba Minch. This meeting served as the final planning session for COWASH IV, making it a critical juncture to solidify plans and address remaining tasks before this phase of the project concludes in EFY 2017.

Around 70 participants attended the workshop, including staff from all eight project regions’ Regional Support Units (RSUs), Regional Bureaus of Water (BoW), the Federal Technical Assistance Team (FTAT), representatives from the Ministry of Education (MoE), Embassy of Finland in Ethiopia (EoF) and the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland (MFA). Notably, Water Sector Advisor from MFA, Jukka Ilomäki, and Water and Agricultural Growth Advisor from EoF, Gezahegn Alemu, were present. The workshop’s primary objectives were to assess COWASH IV’s performance during EFY 2016 and to establish a concrete plan for EFY 2017.

Neil Chadder, COWASH IV’s Chief Technical Advisor, commenced the meeting by outlining recent developments and critical issues requiring attention within the upcoming year’s plan. Subsequently, each RSU presented progress reports covering the past nine months of EFY 2016. Following these presentations, discussions ensued on overcoming challenges, achieving targets, and outlining the path forward.

Lewam Abebe, School WASH Project Management Unit coordinator at Ministry of Education also presented on the Education Sector School WASH Program and the Ministry’s initiatives, further strengthening collaboration across sectors. Additionally, Paulos Basazenew, a COWASH IV Finance and Audit Support Consultant, provided briefings on internal audit, and Gezahegn Alemu, offered insights from the EoF’s perspective.

The FTAT led presentation and discussions on the planning template where data management and achieving established goals were central themes of these discussions. The final day centered on core planning, with FTAT members outlining the EFY 2017 planning focus areas for each region. Each RSU then convened for dedicated team-based planning sessions.

In addition to the workshop, Sinikka Antila, Ambassador of Finland to Ethiopia and African Union, held a fruitful side meeting with RSU team leaders, and representatives from the MoE and BoWs on the second day, highlighting the ongoing collaboration between COWASH IV and the Finnish government.

Valuable Inputs and Strengthened Collaboration

Participants highlighted the value of the workshop in facilitating collaboration, knowledge sharing, and thorough planning. The workshop provided clear explanations on the planning process, ensuring a comprehensive and inclusive approach that avoids any missed areas in the final plan, said Meaza Kebede Gender and Disability Inclusion Specialist at COWASH IV. Temesgen Buzuayehu, a CMP specialist from the Central Ethiopia RSU team, highlighted the valuable insights gained for planning in the last EFY of the COWASH IV. Similarly, Desalegn Kirose, RSU Team Leader from Tigray, appreciated the workshop’s role in enhancing planning and collaboration. “The workshop equipped us with valuable knowledge and facilitated thorough preparation for planning,” he said.

Emphasizing the importance of collaboration, Addisalem Anegesa, a sanitation, hygiene, and social behavioral change specialist from the Oromia RSU team, pointed out, “The workshop facilitated the participation of all COWASH IV teams from across the eight project regions. This forum significantly contributed to achieving the project’s goals by fostering experience sharing and knowledge exchange. “This collaborative approach lays a strong foundation for a successful EFY 2017, ensuring COWASH IV concludes with a strong performance and achieves its goals. Similarly, Gezahegn Alemu, highlighted the workshop’s role in fostering experience sharing and network building among regions. He further emphasized the value of in-person interaction in understanding project progress and embassy direction. This collaborative approach positions COWASH IV for a successful final EFY year, building on the project’s achievements in improving WASH access for rural communities in Ethiopia.

Overall, the COWASH IV EFY 2017 Core Planning Meeting proved to be a productive platform for solidifying plans, fostering collaboration, and ensuring a successful final year for the project.

Girls in Central Ethiopia Thrive with the COWASH IV Menstrual Hygiene Management Center

A simple solution is making a big difference for girls’ education in Central Ethiopia. In EFY 2015, the Community-Led Accelerated WASH (COWASH IV) project constructed a Menstrual Hygiene Management (MHM) center at Fofa General Secondary School, Central Ethiopia Region, which has a student body of 1,084 with 462 of them being girls. This four-room haven offers a resting room, bathroom, waiting area, and counseling rooms. Today, the project celebrates the MHM center’s remarkable success in empowering girls and promoting educational equity.

Prior to the MHM center’s construction, many girls faced a critical barrier to education – a lack of access to proper hygiene facilities during their menstrual cycles. This often resulted in missed classes due to pain, discomfort and embarrassment.

The MHM center provides a safe space equipped with essential supplies and privacy. This seemingly simple solution has a profound impact on students like Kalkidan Banteayehu, a 12th grader. “Before the MHM center, I missed classes due to period pain,” Kalkidan shares. “Now, I can attend school regularly and focus on my studies without worry.” Mekdes Degefu, a 10th grader, expresses similar gratitude. “Having the MHM center means I don’t have to go home to rest when I have my period. This facility is crucial for all schools.”

The impact extends beyond individual students. Dedicated teacher Zara Ali has witnessed a noticeable change in the classroom environment. “The MHM center has created a sense of relief and stability among our female students,” Zara explains. “They are more attentive and engaged in learning. I am incredibly grateful to COWASH IV for building this center. Their initiative to expand the MHM program to other schools is commendable.”

Meaza Kebede, gender and disability inclusion specialist at COWASH IV, praises the Fofa MHM center as an exemplary facility. It adheres strictly to the Ministry of Education’s design guidelines, ensuring a functional and accessible space. The center is always open to provide support to students, with a dedicated counselor readily available. Meaza also commends the school for creating a welcoming environment that encourages girls to utilize the facility. These combined efforts will undoubtedly contribute to achieving the program’s goals, she emphasized.

While initial use of the MHM center was a challenge due to cultural stigmas, Zara and a few brave students who used it from the beginning championed awareness creation. Now, these efforts along with the ongoing MHM awareness campaigns within the school, many girls are embracing the facility. During a visit to the MHM center in late March, Meaza Kebede was impressed by the girls’ comfort and enthusiasm in using the facility. This positive observation, Meaza noted, is a testament to the growing awareness surrounding menstrual hygiene management among the students.

COWASH IV’s commitment goes beyond Fofa. Since the program’s inception, the project has constructed 19 MHM centers across 16 project Woredas, following the design provided by the Ministry of Education. Aiming to further expand this initiative, COWASH IV is carrying out an assessment in different project regions.

The COWASH IV MHM program goes beyond just building centers. The initiative includes creating awareness through MHM training and reusable sanitary pad production workshops for teachers across project regions. Additionally, comic books and brochures on menstrual hygiene management have been distributed to schools.

The success of the Fofa MHM center serves as a powerful example of how addressing basic needs can significantly improve educational attainment for girls in Ethiopia.  By addressing menstrual hygiene needs and promoting menstrual health education, COWASH IV is empowering girls to stay in school and reach their full potential.




COWASH IV Explores Transforming WASH Saving and Loan Associations into Sustainable Sanitation Cooperatives

COWASH IV, a project committed to long-term WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) sustainability in rural Ethiopia, recently held discussions with key stakeholders to explore the potential of existing WASH Saving and Loan Associations (SLAs) evolving into Rural Savings and Credit Cooperatives (RWSCCs).

The field visit conducted in Yem Zone Central Ethiopia from 19-20 March 2024 focused on strengthening the established WASH SLAs. Previously, COWASH IV facilitated the establishment of five WASH SLAs in Wegencho Kebele at the end of EFY 2014. These groups, with a total of 152 member households, received essential training and successfully achieved their initial goal of constructing improved household latrines with functional handwashing facilities for all members.


Looking Towards Empowering Communities Through Financial Independence:

With the initial objective accomplished, COWASH IV and WASH SLA leaders are setting their sights on the future. Recent discussions involved Zonal and Woreda level officials, cooperative development experts, and WASH SLA leaders. The central theme of these discussions was the potential for WASH SLAs to transform into formal RWSCCs.

This transition holds significant promise, particularly for WASH SLA members who aspire to improve their WASH facilities, especially piped household water access, which is often hindered by financial constraints.


RWSCCs: A Promising Path to WASH Sustainability:

RWSCCs offer and foster financial services and independence for WASH SLA members, which empowers them to collectively save and pool resources for WASH infrastructure projects like household piped water systems. It will also enable them to manage their WASH needs autonomously, achieving long-term sustainability. Beyond empowering existing members, RWSCCs can facilitate access to credit for sanitation and hygiene improvements or even establish market-based sanitation businesses within the community.

This initiative has the potential to establish the first WASH RWSCCs in Ethiopia, serving as a model for other communities seeking WASH sustainability. The discussions highlighted the potential of this initiative and the willingness of local stakeholders to collaborate. COWASH IV FTAT plays a key role in facilitating these discussions and exploring the possibilities.

With 60 successful WASH SLAs established in Amhara, Central, Oromia, and Sidama regions, COWASH IV’s commitment to empowering communities is clear. Their focus on developing RWSCCs represents the next step toward long-term WASH sustainability. By supporting these initiatives, COWASH IV is paving the way for a future where communities can effectively manage their own WASH needs and build a healthier future.