COWASH IV has successfully concluded two training programs in the Tigray region earlier this month aimed at revitalizing the local WASH sector. The training sessions focused on strengthening WASH enterprises and expanding financial access for the construction of improved household latrines within rural communities.

Strengthening WASH Enterprises

In Ende Mekoni Woreda, the project conducted an on-the-job training program on October 2, 2024 for two re-established medium and small-scale enterprises. These enterprises, Komah and Mehiret market-based sanitation center and Maregu and Gebre Samuel water scheme construction, maintenance and operation service provider, received training in market development.

Mulatie Yinger, a medium and small-scale enterprise and microfinance institutions specialist at COWASH IV, emphasized the unique nature of this training as it focused on water scheme maintenance service delivery. He says “our goal is to ensure the sustainability of community water schemes by facilitating the easy availability of maintenance services and affordable sanitation products.” And these training programs, according to Mulatie, are a key component of COWASH IV’s medium and small-scale enterprises initiative that plays a crucial role in supporting these enterprises to recover, expand their businesses and diversify their service delivery.

Amanuel Wendyeferaw, COWASH IV’s CMP Advisor in Ende Mekoni Woreda, also emphasizes the crucial role of the training programs in revitalizing the WASH sector in the region following the conflict. He says the conflict has disrupted access to essential services, including water scheme maintenance. As a result, the project focused on providing maintenance services to community water points and the ongoing training programs have been instrumental in ensuring the effective delivery of these services.

With the support provided by COWASH IV, Maregu and Gebre Samuel water scheme construction, maintenance and operation service provider has been actively engaged in maintaining these water points. In the past Ethiopian fiscal year, the enterprise successfully serviced 22 community water points and obtained a grade 11 construction license from the Woreda Medium and Small-scale Enterprises office. This license enabled the enterprise to participate in construction bidding for projects with a value up to 660,000 Birr.

Facilitating Financial Access for Household Sanitation Facilities

On October 3, 2024 COWASH IV provided another training workshop in Degua Temben Woreda on establishing WASH saving and loan associations. This initiative empowers communities to take ownership of their WASH needs by creating financial access dedicated to improving household latrines.

Through these targeted training programs, COWASH IV is actively contributing to revitalizing the WASH sector in the region and ensuring its long-term sustainability.

COWASH IV’s Post-Conflict Recovery Efforts

Following the peace agreement in Tigray, COWASH IV was the first project to bring WASH finance to the region. Recognizing the urgent need for post-conflict recovery, the project mainly focused on rehabilitation and capacity building across its 12 project woredas.

In this regard, one of COWASH IV’s key initiatives has been supporting the revitalization of medium and small-scale enterprises established before the conflict. Through an assessment conducted earlier this year in four Woredas, COWASH IV identified the specific support needed to enable these enterprises to fully function and diversify their service delivery. The project provided comprehensive support, including technical assistance and financial aid in the form of spare parts for maintenance valued at 100,000 Birr.

In the past Ethiopian fiscal year, COWASH IV successfully re-established six enterprises and established one new enterprise operating in the WASH sector in Tigray. Looking ahead, the project is planning to provide comprehensive business development services that includes training programs, financial and market linkage support. Beyond Tigray, the project is also working to establish and strengthen similar enterprises in other project regions, demonstrating its commitment to empowering communities throughout rural Ethiopia.